Conoscere le lingue
Un giorno una mamma gatta anziana
e saggia passeggiava con i suoi due gattini. All’improvviso un enorme cane si
mise di fronte a loro. I gattini erano terrorizzati e cominciarono a miagolare,
“Miu, miu, miu”, mentre il cane li fissava e ringhiava, “Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr!”
La mamma gatta rimase immobile, lo guardò dritto negli occhi aprì la bocca e disse: “Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr!”. Il cane era esterrefatto! “Grrrr! Grrrr!”, ringhiò di nuovo e si allontanò velocemente.
Mamma gatta sorrise e si volse verso i gattini: “ora”, disse, “spero che abbiate capito quanto sia importante imparare una seconda lingua!”.
(Da Carolyn Graham, The Electric Elephant and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, USA, 1982)
La mamma gatta rimase immobile, lo guardò dritto negli occhi aprì la bocca e disse: “Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr!”. Il cane era esterrefatto! “Grrrr! Grrrr!”, ringhiò di nuovo e si allontanò velocemente.
Mamma gatta sorrise e si volse verso i gattini: “ora”, disse, “spero che abbiate capito quanto sia importante imparare una seconda lingua!”.
(Da Carolyn Graham, The Electric Elephant and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, USA, 1982)
Bilingual education
One day, a wise, old mother cat was walking through the neighborhood with her two baby kittens. Suddenly they saw a huge dog standing in front of them. The kittens were terrified and in their tiny little voices cried, “mew, mew, mew”. The big dog stared at them and growled, “Grrrrr! grrrrr! grrrrr!”.
The mother cat stood very still, looked him in the eye, opened her mouth and said, “Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr!”. The dog was astonished. “Grrrr! Grrrr!” he answered and quickly walked away.
The mother cat smioed and turned to her kittens. “Now”, she said, “I hope you understand the importance of learning a second language!”.
(From Carolyn Graham, The Electric Elephant and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, USA, 1982)
One day, a wise, old mother cat was walking through the neighborhood with her two baby kittens. Suddenly they saw a huge dog standing in front of them. The kittens were terrified and in their tiny little voices cried, “mew, mew, mew”. The big dog stared at them and growled, “Grrrrr! grrrrr! grrrrr!”.
The mother cat stood very still, looked him in the eye, opened her mouth and said, “Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr!”. The dog was astonished. “Grrrr! Grrrr!” he answered and quickly walked away.
The mother cat smioed and turned to her kittens. “Now”, she said, “I hope you understand the importance of learning a second language!”.
(From Carolyn Graham, The Electric Elephant and Other Stories, Oxford University Press, USA, 1982)
Le spiegazioni dei gattini le trovate qui
You can find here the pattern of these kittens
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Grazie per essere state mie gradite ospiti. Mi farebbe piacere sapere cosa ve ne pare di quello che avete visto. E se vi è piaciuto..... ditelo alle amiche!
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